Photos By, Phung Photography

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

wEEkeND In reVIEw

This past weekend was filled with fun for our family!

First, our good friends Beth and Ryan came down from Canada for the APX year end party! On Friday night the boys had there manager meeting so Beth and I went to visit with our good friend Danica. We got to the tour of her new Gorgeous home in Highland. It seriously was the most beautiful house ever! Then we all went to Kneaders, (YUMMY)! We had so much fun catching up and reminiscing. We talked about all the fun we had in North Carolina our first time selling APX together, (5 years ago), and all the other fun in between. We talked about how Beth beat up her sister and how unfair it is that Danica is 5 months pregnant and seriously doesn't show at all. We had a lot of fun having girl time to talk, giggle and just have without our husbands ruining it with talk of nothing but work!

Then on Saturday we had an Aguirre Family Halloween Party. It was a lot of fun. Pretty much everyone dressed up, even the adults. All the kids looked to cute in their costumes. I love getting together with our family, even though it is loud and crazy, (there are about 35 of us), it is always a lot of fun!

Saturday night was the big APX Year End Hoopla!!! It is so crazy. Beth and I talked about how our first year end party was this little BBQ in the park with a couple hundred people and now we all fill up the entire McKay Events Center. They played APX is Right, (The Price is Right) and Deal or No Deal. They gave away 2 cars, (one was a little Natural Gas Honda Civic, we totally wanted it), IPODs, backpacks, luggage, money up the wazoo and some really cool little scooters! Don't worry we didn't win a new car or even $10,000.00 dollars, we got another APX backpack to add to our already extensive collection! They did have these guys that came out and jumped on a trampoline. Sounds lame, but it was so cool! One of the guys hold the world record for doing flips and hoolahooping, (spelling?), on a trampoline. They got incredibly high, it was crazy!

We had so much fun with our little Canadian friends and love it when they come to visit! I will be up to Canada in March to see your new little baby Beth! We love you guys!

Also congratulations to Jappi for winning the Costume Contest! You looked amazing!


Danica said...

I seriously loved getting together with you guys! I miss the good old days and when is Beth just going to admit she belongs right here with us?! Thanks for the fun night out and for the years of friendship! Also, your kids are so sweet and well behaved - good job super Mom! I will go out in public with you guys anytime : )